This is an all too common occurrence on the WK2 3.0 CRD’s – the 2014-2016 models seem to be the main culprits for the valley hose failing but all year models suffer from carbon build up in the manifold which in turn breaks the swirl motor and causes limp mode. Carbon build up also seems to be more aggressive on later later model 2017 to 2021 models as they had different ecu protocols. Not having a catch can seems to be the main reason for this and not having a catch can also contributes to DPF failure.
The catch can literally does what it says, it catches the oily smokey crank case fumes which normally plumb back into the intake and condenses them catching the liquid oil in the long clear hose of the catch can setup.
Having the intake manifold removed gives access to all 12 intake ports and allows us to connect up a machine that literally blasts clean (back to bare metal factory condition) the intake ports, valves and cylinder head to remove all that sludgy and sometimes dry crunchy carbon build up – know what your BBQ looks like after a few years of use without a proper clean? that’s what it looks like pre cleaning!
This process takes 2 days and we always replace the troublesome valley hose when in there. After this process it is a requirement that we install a catch can (otherwise the whole exercise is kind of pointless!) thus preventing it from happening again.
One other option we strongly recommend is a triple oil engine flush and tune with EGR delete to ensure no more carbon smokey air being pumped back into the engine. Triple engine oil flush and clean also removes 99.9% of the black carbon mess inside the engine and reverts the engine oil back to as close to brand new out of the factory as possible.
If your car comes to us with an engine light because of this, its mainly because the swirl motor is broken – we can tune around this with our tune file so you don’t need to purchase a new manifold but in some circumstances the manifold is broken and or failing therefore we have to replace. We do supply and fit next manifolds on request.
If you do all of the above, the car is literally transformed in terms of it performance, fuel economy & oil cooling capabilities. The exhaust smells clean and clear like a factory new car, the vehicles we do also are physically smoother at idle and acceleration. It is a huge improvement in the overall health and condition of the motor and driving experience.
All of the above processes are of course an in house job performed here at MP in Samford QLD. We need 1 to 2 weeks notice to book in.
If you’re travelling from interstate like a lot of our customers do for this, there are a few places you can stay at while we perform the job. If you’re in a caravan, the Samford Showgrounds are the place to stay at and if not in a van, Eatons Hill Hotel just off Eatons Crossing Rd.
If you have any questions feel free to give me a call
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